We look forward to hearing from you!
Chair, Melinda Nielsen
Contact for EAA Policies, organization history and information, interface with Amsterdam and affiliates (AMI-USA, NAMTA, MAA, etc.).
Vice Chair/Treasurer, Rachel Kimboko
Contact for information about fees, budgets, financial reports, legal and regulatory issues.
Conference Coordinator, Emily Curry
Contact for Refresher Course, Summer Conference registration, proposals, schedules, evaluations, suggestions.
Publications/Communications, Becca Peters
Contact for advertising, website issues, newsletter submissions and requests, university credit for conferences.
Secretary/Membership, Ginger Kleiber
Contact for membership questions, EAA-talk, archives, membership directory.
Outreach Coordinator, Regina Sokolowski
Contact if you are in elementary training or a recent graduate, for volunteer opportunities, support at conferences, and want to share your zeal for EAA with others.